I have to admit that lists rule my life. There was a time when I was younger I didn't even write a shopping list but now I generally write a list everyday to get my brain into gear. I started this about 6 months ago when I was working towards the final hand-ins and I had so much to do it was far better to write a list and it felt good to cross each item off. I found it so useful that I've done it ever since. It really makes you wonder at how much can be
achieved in one day.
Here's a sample of the lists of the things that are on my mind right now.
Things I want to buy...
Ikea crockery
A lunch box for when university begins again (stop myself eating crappy foods)
Tupperware to go in the lunch box
Seeds and grains (the best snack food)
Yarn to make scarves out of to put for sale on
EtsyIssues of Cotton Time
6x balls of merino wool/cashmere yarn to crochet into scarves for my Mum's and sisters birthdays. (I've never given them anything knitted/crocheted before and a cashmere scarf can't be shunned as present?)
A roll of wallpaper to draw on
Wood to paint on
Wood to make woodcuts from
Nice paper to print woodcuts on
Protective packaging for woodcuts so I can sell them through
A good work chair that doesn't slowly shrink as I sit on it. (stupid air lift thing)
A work table that doesn't wobble on the attic floor boards
A bean cube (like a bean bag but chic) to stop me sitting on my legs while sitting at chairs
I want to have a daring haircut soon (I have no idea which salon to go to though)
Kuk Sool won (a Korean martial art I've started doing) membership/insurance/suit/badges
A larger glass dish to cook meals in (I bought a small one thinking that would be fine but it's not big enough for two people)
Things I have recently bought...
3x balls of Rowan cotton tape
1x ball of RY
cashsoft Aran5x crochet hooks of
various sizes
A years subscription to Craft: magazine
Vintage army bag recovered in 60's lime green apple fabric
6x 500ml pots of acrylic paint
250ml pot of Fluid Retarder for acrylic.
A small cream net curtain with a pretty flower design (love charity shops)
Current Projects/ Ones that I meant to start...
Children's book about a sock
Children's book about a Pig called Dan
Sheepy head key chains
scarves and hats for
EtsyMy dissertation
Sorting out what I want to do for my final Illustration project after
ipod cases for
EtsyA Turkish slippers from Erica Knight's "Simple Crochet" (A requested item from strange
footwear loving Simon)
Recover Simon's work chair to make it more comfortable and seal the ripped leather