
So here's a picture of my workspace. It's taken a little while to get a photo because I didn't really sorted it out till this morning. I just used it as a computer desk. It may look a little drab because of the roof window just above my desk and it's quite cloudy and rainy at the moment. Anyway I will explain my space:
1. My cheap lamp that was about £4 and I broke three weeks after I bought it by standing on it and breaking one of the arms. I fixed it this morning with sticky tape.
2. A present from long ago. I'm not really into burning incense but its a really good brush stand.
3. Scrappy paints. I ordered a MOTHERLOAD this morning. It seems my university sold off the rights to its college shop to a local art shop so I can't get it cheap anymore. (The college shop sold goods that only made the profit needed to keep the shop running where as the local art shop will only be offering a 10% discount from the RRP). I found a website that sells the paint I want almost as cheap as the college shop and I ordered enough to get free delivery. I'm looking forward to a big parcel!
4. My beloved acrylic drinkware. It was the first of a long line of crazy kitchen ware that I started to buy about a year ago.
5. A load of books I got out the library to read for my dissertation. Also a good book about colour theory.
6. The great book which taught me to crochet but now has the most horrible effect of making me want to buy £80 worth of wool and crochet a throw.
7. Crochet with free yarn. I'm making some items out of plastic bags (not biodegradable). It for things that don't will probably get covered in paint and its not worth buying string to make them. Plus it gets rid of those annoying bags that you seem to collect for no real reason.
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