Growing Beansprouts

I decided to do a tutorial about growing beansprouts. They are dead easy, cheap and nutritious. Chuck them in stirfries, rice dishes, anything you can think of. And they will taste a damn sight better than the limp things you find in supermarkets.
So all you need is:
A large jar - I use a gherkin jar that use to hold about a kilo and a half of the horrible things. Be sure to wash the label off as much as you can so that as much light can get in as possible.
A cleaning cloth - this keeps most of the water in that jar while being able to circulate air
A rubber band - that will fit round the top of jar snugly
Sprouting beans - I generally use Mung but hunt around your local health food shop as different beans have different flavors.
Next door's kitty - non essential.
To start off soak some beans on water for 12 hours. This washes out the enzyme that stops them from growing. Other types of beans may take different times. I've been experimenting with the amount of beans to use and this time I've decided to use 20g. That may not sound like a lot but I used 80g last time and had to move half to another jar and then ended up with two jar fulls that I didn't have the capacity to use. Also they need the space to grow or they start growing leaves and roots before the sprout is big enough to eat. These are so economical to grow. I found the cheapest place for mung beans was at my local market where 500g was £1.18. That's a lot of sprouts.
I will be documenting the growth of the sprouts each day and in 4ish days there should be lovely sprouts ready to eat.
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