Floating away

I made this in an idle moment today. I'm not great at crochet and I'm still learning to get a feel for it. With knitting I can sort out in my head what needs to go where and visualise how to do a project but I don't know enough about crochet to do that yet. The balloon is a little rough around the edges but it turned out well (it began life intending to be a mushroom).
And something else that is floating away is my local knitting shop. It's been for sale and now there seems to be a buyer and everything is being sold off. Its quite sad really I liked that old shop. I bought a ball of Rowan cotton tape from there for a bargain price. I may go back tomorrow and fill my boots with crochet hooks of various sizes.

Lastly I realised I should have posted a photo of my desk tidies made of shopping bags. This is the only complete one so far. (I've got into a "saving the planet" don't accept plastic bags when you have a perfectly good calico bag you can sling things in mode - it makes collecting bags a slow process)
I love crochet.
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