Friday, April 06, 2007

I've been planning this image for a long time and I'm glad it seems to be easily falling into place. I think the image above is the best on the lot and I'm really pleased. However looking at the file sizes it looks like my RAW pictures are substantially smaller than the highest setting of jpeg... which it shouldn't be. The image above is only 8cm wide on 300dpi where as other pictures I've taken as jpeg are over 20cm wide on 300 dpi.
Which means I have to go take MORE photos..
Monday, April 02, 2007
Floaty Floaty

After the last post about not liking my new felting tool some people might think I'd never use it again. I already had too many plans for using it for that :).
In the random avoiding of my increasingly dull negotiated project for college I've been designing purses and bags and such. Felting is a great way of making a mock-up of a design and luckily my yarn snobbery of not buying acrylic unless it's for something particular means almost all of my yarn stash is feltable. Wooh. I do have to comment that the black silk edging is a pain. Before using it I had to separate the 6 strand yarn it came from and pick out with my fingernails the horrid multicoloured cotton slubs that some idiot who 'designed' it thought was tasteful. Ick.