At last the first birthday present is finished. My sister's birthday is the day before my Mum's so its always a rush getting presents sorted with the start of term looming. This year I'm making two scarves from Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran in Blue (colour 300205 if your interested) Each one is 6 inches wide and 55.5 inches long (which is three full balls). I love crocheted scarves because they look great from both sides and have a lovely texture. This yarn is perfect for both scarves as its gorgeously soft (12% cashmere - hence the goat) and warm and crochet because it has a lovely sheen that picks out each stitch beautifully. I used a uniform pattern of double crochet and triple crochet in alternating rows. Its my favourite combination at the moment.
In other news my orange hat is now for sale.
Here is the direct link or feel free to go through the Etsy shop link at the side.
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