Jolly Hats for Jolly Heads

I really enjoyed using this yarn to make a scarf so I figured a hat would be next. It an exciting battle whether the yarn will run out before I finish. I'll have to buy some more it's great stuff. It seems though that my local wool shop has gone completely now. It's quite sad. The lady who owned it and ran it had to sell out because of illness. Its a real shame.
In other head accessory type news I had my hair cut yesterday. It's quite terrible. Too short to put up but long enough to get in my way and look a mess. Also the girl who cut it asked me if I was still at school. I'm kind of young looking but surely by now I look older than 16?
My Kuk Sool Won (Korean martial art) class has stopped for a few weeks while the lovely lady who teaches us gets married and goes on her honeymoon. However when shes back the class moves from its little hall 5 minutes walk from me to the college about 40 minutes away down a road I don't like walking down alone, (it's full of strange people).
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